Legal - Stat Salt

Legal Documents

Stat Salt, as with any modern organization, must have legal policies and disclaimers in order to comply with laws and regulations. As a convenience we have provided a summary for each document in normal language - but our lawyers want us to stress that you should read each document in full.

Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy explains what information we collect about our users and how we use that information. This is required by our advertising partners as well as EU regulations.

CCPA "Opt-Out"

California Residents may opt-out of the "sale" of their personal information. You may opt-out here.

Terms of Service

When you access free content on our site, this agreement applies to you. It contains some general disclaimers like we can't guarantee the availability of our site or its usefulness for you. It also prohibits you from plagiarizing our content or doing other illegal acts. Read our Terms of Service here.