Official Statement from the W&W staff on the Coronavirus

Official Statement from the W&W staff on the Coronavirus

The Coronavirus has hit the United States and it has disrupted everyday life for most Americans along with many more people around the world. Not only have many been infected by the Coronavirus but we have also seen the loss of life as well. We here at Winners and Whiners & StatSalt send our deepest condolences to all the family and their friends who have been impacted by this horrible disease.

The Sports World has also been affected by the disease as just about every Major Sport has been shut down for the foreseeable future and that gives us in the sports betting industry a lot of extra time on or hands. We hope that it will not be terribly long but for some leagues, the season is over and for some, it will be delayed. Our job here is to keep you abreast of all the latest news in each league over the next few weeks to possibly months.